Pre-Session Homework

Prepare an introduction of yourself that you will share with the group. Here are some points to include:

  • Name: What is your name, your grandmother’s name (mother’s mother), and great grandmother’s name (maternal grandmother’s mother), etc., if known. Introduce yourself as “I am [name], daughter of [mother], daughter of [grandmother], daughter of [great grandmother]...”
  • Age & Cycle Description: What is your age and where are you in the Reproductive Continuum? It’s ok if “Reproductive Continuum” is a new concept for you. Basically, tell us about your cycles. Are you in regular cycles, postpartum-breastfeeding, pcos, premenopause, etc.? What’s your typical cycle length range? What are your cycles like at this point in your life?
  • Location: Where do you live and where are you from? What cultural influences did you have growing up? What was the landscape like where you grew up? What is the landscape like where you live now? What cultures influence your life now? 
  • Occupation: What is your focus for your daily work? Are you a stay at home mother or spouse? Do you work outside the home? Do you work from home? Where do you focus your energies during the day?
  • Household Members: What’s your household like? Who do you live with, such as number kids, age range, partner, etc.? Are you currently in a sexual relationship with someone or are you celebate for the time being?
  • Charting Routine: What is your reason for charting? How did you learn to chart? What biomarkers do you chart and protocol(s) do you follow to interpret your chart?  
  • Interest: How did you hear about this course and what do you hope to get out of this course? 
  • Current Cycle: Where are you in your cycle right now? (such as cycle day number, Menstruation, Follicular Phase, around ovulation, Luteal Phase, etc)

Complete and Continue